File modification times...

File modification times...

Postby marksibly » 24 Jul 2015, 00:02


Teamdrive appears to be changing file modification times after I edit a file. This means I can't easily 'touch' a file and trigger c++ rebuilds etc.

It looks a bit like TD is finding an 'old' version that matches the modified version, and changes the modification time to that of the old version. Is this correct?

Is there anyway to disable this?

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Joined: 20 Jul 2015, 01:02

Re: File modification times...

Postby Kenneth » 24 Jul 2015, 11:31

Yes. You are correct.

No. Unfortunately, this cannot be disabled.

We do not recommend using TeamDrive to sync/save source-repositories.

Here are a few more things we recommend not doing with TeamDrive.

You should not use TeamDrive to synchronize databases. A database is usually stored in a file, which means that TeamDrive would have to transfer the entire file each time a data record was changed, which would lead to increased traffic and memory consumption on the server.

Avoid deeply nested directory structures. The operating system-specific restrictions on paths and file names also result in restrictions for TeamDrive users.

Microsoft Windows:

Maximum length of the entire directory path: 247 characters
Maximum length of file names: 259 characters

Maximum length of a path section: 255 Bytes
Maximum length of a file name: 254 Bytes

Maximum length of a path section: 255 Bytes
Maximum length of a file name: 255 Bytes
Caution: If you share a Space with members with different operating systems, please observe the limits stated on file names in order to guarantee cross-platform compatibility.

Note: The lengths specified in Bytes are based on the fact that Unicode is used in these file systems. Consequently, the maximum lengths depend on the characters used. As a rough guideline:

A standard alphabet character (a-z, A-Z) = 1 Byte
An extended alphabet character (German umlauts etc.) = 2 Bytes
Avoid storing all your data in just one Space. By granulating your Spaces more finely, it will be easier to control who has access to which data. This also reduces the need to re-sort files.

Do not move your Spaces to other drives or partitions; instead, use the “Recover Space” function. If you perceive the need to store your Space on another hard drive or partition, choose “Space” > “Recover Space” in the TeamDrive Explorer and specify the new storage location.

Do not move your Space manually across partition or drive boundaries, as this could result in the loss of TeamDrive synchronization data because all meta information is recreated and it is then no longer possible to track which file was edited for the last time and when.

Avoid using special characters in file names and paths. It may be that these characters will not be supported on a different platform.

Here is a recommendation for the highest interoperability and compatibility between Windows, Linux, Mac and UNIX regarding filename (Space name) conventions:

Do not ever use the following reserved characters: <>:”\/|*?
Do not use any of the following reserved WinNT device names (with or without trailing filename extension such as ‘NUL.tx7′): ‘CON’ ‘PRN’ ‘AUX’ ‘NUL’ ‘COM1′ ‘COM2′ ‘COM3′ ‘COM4′ ‘COM5′ ‘COM6′ ‘COM7′ ‘COM8′ ‘COM9′ ‘LPT1′ ‘LPT2′ ‘LPT3′ ‘LPT4′ ‘LPT5′ ‘LPT6′ ‘LPT7′ ‘LPT8′ ‘LPT9′ ‘CLOCK$’ .
Do not use non printable characters even if the underlying filesystem is capable to handle unicode filenames.
Avoid using these charcters: []=%$+,;
Do not start a filename with a whitespace, a period ‘.’ (interpreted as hidden in unix like systems) or with an minus sign ‘-‘ (interpreted as a commandline argument in unix like systems).
Do not use “~” as a file or folder name, because it is interpreted as the “home”-directory under linux systems.
Do not end a filename with a whitespace or a period ‘.’ (interpreted as hidden in unix like systems).
Do not use sequences of periods ‘.’ in the middle of filenames.
Avoid whitespaces in the middle of filenames.
Do not assume case-sensivity.
Do not use a space at the end of a filename.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 15:11

Re: File modification times...

Postby marksibly » 24 Jul 2015, 12:57

> We do not recommend using TeamDrive to sync/save source-repositories.

Apart from this issue, is there any other reason you don't recommend using TD for syncing source?

IMO, TD is very close to being perfect for small (ie: 1 person!) dev teams. I develop on 3 machines (windows, macos, linux) in the same physical location, and apart from this one wrinkle TD has been great. Much more responsive than dropbox or the alternatives (mainly I guess 'coz it's not syncing .o etc files thanks to the .fsfilter file), and it lets you know what it's doing.

I do have a github repository too, but I only really use it for 'publishing' - for day to day development, I've been using dropbox/copy/TD for years now.

And I know of many other coders who use dropbox or dropbox-like products in the same way, mostly sole developers writing multi platform games. It's just so much more convenient than having to go through the whole commit/push/pull thing (which I used to do) when you just want to test something quickly on a machine that's only a couple of feet away! And of course, your code is backed up on the cloud AND you have identical versions of it everywhere - what can go wrong?!?

I'm probably gonna live with this in fact and stick with TD. The problem only really arose because I was flipping between 2 versions of the same file to see which worked better. My projects aren't huge, so I don't see this being much of a problem now that I know about it.

But it would be nice if there was an option added to consider *any* file modification to be a new version (should be faster too shouldn't it, as you don't have to compare files?). If this was added, I'd evangelize the hell out of TD to game coders I know currently using dropbox.

Posts: 6
Joined: 20 Jul 2015, 01:02

Re: File modification times...

Postby Kenneth » 24 Jul 2015, 14:00

We don't recommend it because it to lead to more issues when making changes. If you are okay with using TeamDrive to sync your repository you are by all means welcomed to do so, we just don't recommend it because you may not have the same flexibility you would have with a revision control system.
Posts: 1277
Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 15:11

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