Backup (Importing Spaces)

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Backup (Importing Spaces)

Postby Kenneth » 22 Jul 2019, 12:50

TeamDrive does not make physical backups of your data on your local machine. However, the client does make physical backups of your Space keys. As a default setting, backups of the Space keys are stored in the path Spaces > Backups. This path can be changed at any time. We highly recommend making several backups of your keys because TeamDrive does not have access to your keys and cannot deliver them to you. However, the Key Repository adds an extra emergency way to access your keys anytime you need them.

Again, the access key(s) for your Space(s) are stored on your local client so they should be carefully protected. It is possible to store encrypted backups of your access key(s) on the server using the “Key Repository”. By default, the “Key Repository” is enabled. If you elect to continue using the Key Repository, encrypted backups of your keys will be stored on the server and allow you to regain access to your Spaces after you have created new installations, have had a hard drive failure, etc. More information regarding the Key Repository, and how to disable it, can be found below. If you elect to disable the “Key Repository”, the access key(s) for your Space(s) will only be stored on your local machine. With that said, they should be carefully protected as they are one of your only means of regaining access to your Spaces!

The following can be seen in the “Backup” menu.

Backup Keys on the Server (Key Repository)” allows you to enable or disable the encrypted storage of your Space keys on our registration server.
When enabled, the Registration Server Key Repository stores the keys to all your Spaces. The Key Repository is encrypted with your password, and can only be accessed by you, after a valid login. When in use, the Key Repository serves as a backup for your Space keys, and it also ensures that you have access to your Spaces when you login to TeamDrive on a new/different device. The Key Repository can be accessed as long as you remember your password or have a valid login on one of your TeamDrive devices. Changing your password automatically deletes all keys stored in your key repository at that time.

- “Backup Keys Locally” allows you to enable or disable the storage of your Space keys on your local device (desktop and tablet computers only).
- “Change Location” allows you to change path where the local copies of the Space keys shall be stored (desktop and tablet computers only).
- “Import Keys” allows you to import Space keys from a specified location (“Import from Backup File”) or from the server (“Import from Server”). Once imported, the Space will then be available in the section
- “Inactive Spaces”. Go to “Inactive Spaces” and click on the imported Space to activate it.
- “Create New Backup” creates a new back key for your current set of joined Spaces. 
Every time a new Space is joined or created, a new backup key, containing all active Spaces in your client at that time, is created. You will not find an individual backup key for each individual Space so do not worry if you have less backup keys than active Spaces in the “Backups” folder.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 15:11

Regaining Access to Your Spaces

Postby Kenneth » 22 Jul 2019, 12:51

In the event that your device crashes, your device is lost or stolen, you install a new hard drive, you create a new TeamDrive installation on a new device, etc. you will, of course, need to regain access to your Spaces. If you have the “Key Repository” enabled you should automatically see your Spaces in the section “Inactive Spaces”. From there you can reactivate and join your existing Spaces.
Posts: 1277
Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 15:11

Space Access Keys

Postby Kenneth » 22 Jul 2019, 12:51

A backup file (containing the Space access keys as well as the access keys to the servers the Spaces are stored on) is generated each time a new Space is joined or created. For security reasons Space access keys are linked to the user’s username. Space access keys enable the restoration of a Space.
Posts: 1277
Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 15:11

Server Access Keys

Postby Kenneth » 22 Jul 2019, 12:51

For every server, a server access key is required. This allows users to restore access to the necessary servers where their data are hosted. Server access keys are generally stored, in conjunction with the Space access keys in the TeamDrive backup files. Server access keys can also be individually imported and exported via the “Server” section of the “Settings” menu.
Posts: 1277
Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 15:11

Backing up Space and Server Access Keys

Postby Kenneth » 22 Jul 2019, 12:52

The backup location of your Space and server keys is defined in the “Backup” section of the “Settings” menu. You can define a new backup location at any time.

We recommend, if possible, saving your access files to an external storage device. So, in the event of a complete system crash, you can still restore your TeamDrive Space(s) and the connection(s) to your server(s). Having the access keys on hand also enables you to set up TeamDrive on another computer.

Passing on Space information to third parties is pointless, as Space information is specific to your account.
For file system storage purposes the backup’s filename contains your username and a timestamp. To restore a Space or restore access to a server from a backup, the backup file must be imported. Once the backup file has been imported the Space(s) can be restored.
Posts: 1277
Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 15:11

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